Jalapeno Cilantro Hummus

     Hi. I am Mimi and I am a snacker. With my busy life as a mom of three kids, that my life revolves around,I am normally snacking and not actual eating full meals most of the time. Yes I know, I normally don't get in my three meals a day but I do try to make my snack choices convenient and healthy so that I can eat them while I am doing paperwork, volunteering at my kids schools or just being plain lazy and not wanting to cook. 

     My all time favorite snack is hummus. Hummus with sliced peppers, crackers, anything. I am guilty. I was that person who had multiple favors of hummus in my fridge at any given time until I found out that making your own hummus was so incredibly easy and you can literally put any ingredients in it that you want. 

     So if you can get the hummus base down, the flavors are endless. 

Hummus Base

1 15oz can of chickpeas
2 tbsp of lemon juice
1 tbsp of olive oil
1 Tbsp tahini
3 cloves of fresh garlic
1/2 tsp salt

     Go ahead a drain the chickpeas but make sure to reserve some of the liquid. Place all the ingredients into a food processor or a high speed blender and blend until smooth. That is it, hummus!

     Now here is where it gets fun. You can add whatever you want to this base but we are going to add...

2 jalapeños, seeded. 
a hand full of cilantro 
1/4 tsp of black pepper

     Put these ingredient into your hummus base and turn the food processor back on. If your hummus is not getting as smooth as you want it with the extra ingredients, add about 1 Tbsp of the reserved liquid at a time until it reaches the constancy that you like. I topped it with just a pinch of paprika and a drizzle of olive oil.

     Now grab some sliced cucumbers, red peppers, carrots, crackers....whatever your heart desires and enjoy!  


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